This beautiful, regal matriarch is ruled by watery blue and snowy white Venus. As such she is concerned with growth and preservation but can be cold and unyielding, her beauty sometimes locked in ice rather than being fluid as water. Her midnight- blue eye shadow and veiled, down turned gaze convey deep thought and reflection but can also show her “shadow” side of haughtiness, close mindedness, and a sense of entitlement.

        She in turn rules over the lands and earth and holds sway over the goods that grow upon them and how those are divided. In a sense, the crown upon her head represents the upturned mantle of the earth and mountainous peaks reaching to the sky connected with heaven and the sky goddess. The three prominent red garnets on the crown symbolize three fires- her own inner divine fire, the fire of the earth, and the fire of the sun. These are all bound together in a holy trinity.

        Each of the other jewels she wears upon her neck represent lands she holds authority over but also the weight of that power upon her chest. Her ornate earring indicates the complexity of all she must hear and the artful manner in which she must navigate the maze of royal rulership. She has intuition and wisdom, emotional intelligence and compassion. The Empress is also related to mothering, nurturing and the creative aspects of life.

Reversed: Reflects her cold, uncaring, prideful, overbearing, self centered and greedy side.

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